
Is devoted to helping you nurture and enhance your moments of ‘now’ and to honouring the sovereignty of your total health.

Our vision at “It’s About Now” is to provide resources and ideas that are designed to give you back a tangibly real and deeper appreciation for your moments of now. We achieve this by creating a clear set of lifestyle distinctions that once understood will serve to provide you with a profound step change in your day to day health and well-being.

Our current situation at this point in human history is both exciting and full of challenges. Our need to sharpen our intuition about how we live and to optimise our connection with all that is whole has never been more important. The way I see things is that everything we do, think, consume and wear and use carries with it an energetic frequency that is either increasing our health, coherence and connection with our true nature or it is fragmenting it causing us to feel disconnected and out of sync.


Contact Details:


Grander Water Consultant


 Associate BioGeometry Practitioner

0333 390 9479